Spot rubber continued to rule weak on Monday. RSS 4 dropped further to ₹124 (124.50) a kg, according to traders and the Rubber Board. The grade slipped to ₹121 (121.50) as reported by the dealers. The market declined tracking the overall weakness in the domestic futures and global trendsetters. August futures weakened to ₹121.91 (123.05), September to ₹122.01 (123.23) and October to ₹121.99 (123.05) on the National Multi Commodity Exchange. RSS 3 (spot) declined to ₹104.32 (106.02) a kg at Bangkok. August futures surrendered to ¥192.1 (₹100.05) on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange. Spot rubber rates (₹/kg): RSS-4: 124 (124.50); RSS-5: 122 (122); Ungraded: 109 (110); ISNR 20: 111 (111.50) and Latex 60%: 105 (105).