Spot rubber was almost unchanged on Tuesday. RSS 4 closed steady at ₹114 a kg, according to traders. The grade firmed up to ₹114.50 (₹114) and ₹111.50 (₹111) respectively, according to the Rubber Board and the dealers. The trend was partially mixed as latex improved on better demand amidst low supplies. April futures improved to ₹118.50 (₹117.66) and May to ₹119.65 (₹119.01) while the June futures slid to ₹ 120.25 (₹119.39) on the National Multi Commodity Exchange. RSS 3 (spot) firmed up to ₹101.07 (₹101) at Bangkok. The April futures closed at ¥169 (₹98.96) on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange. Spot rubber rates (₹/kg): RSS-4: 114 (114); RSS-5: 112 (112); Ungraded: 108 (108); ISNR 20: 108 (108) and Latex (60% drc): 82.50 (81.50).