Spot rubber showed a mixed mood on Monday. RSS 4 finished unchanged at Rs.120.00 per kg according to traders and the Rubber Board. The grade was quoted steady at Rs. 117.00 per kg by dealers. Meanwhile the National Multi Commodity Exchange (NMCE) remained closed owing to Gurunanak Jayanti.
RSS 3 (spot) declined to Rs. 122.35 (123.59) per kg at Bangkok. The November futures weakened to ¥ 194.8 (Rs.122.32) from ¥ 200.0 (Rs.125.58) per kg during the day session but then recovered marginally to ¥ 195.7 (Rs.122.90) per kg in the night session on Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM).
The spot rubber rates per kg were:
RSS-4: 120.00 (120.00)
RSS-5: 116.00 (115.00)
Ungraded: 107.00 (107.00)
ISNR 20: 107.00 (105.00)
Latex (60% drc): 74.00 (74.00)