Physical rubber prices finished almost steady on Thursday. The market opened better but shed initial gains during late trading hours following sharp declines in the domestic and international futures. The trend was partially mixed.
According to traders, sheet rubber finished unchanged at Rs 171.50 a kg after hitting an intraday high of Rs 172 on early trades.
The grade closed flat at Rs 171 both at Kottayam and Kochi according to the Rubber Board.
The June futures declined to Rs 169.00 (Rs 172.28), July to Rs 168.19 (Rs 171.40), August to Rs 165.85 (Rs 169.27) and September to Rs 163.21 (Rs 165.99) while the October futures increased marginally to Rs 163.97 (Rs 163.52) on the National Multi Commodity Exchange (NMCE).
RSS 3 (spot) improved to Rs 170.37 (Rs 169.10) at Bangkok. May futures ended at ¥260.5 (Rs 143) on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange
Spot rubber rates Rs/kg were: RSS-4: 171.50 (171.50); RSS-5: 168 (168); Ungraded: 161 (161); ISNR 20: 162 (163); and Latex 60%: 110 (110).
Source: Business Line