Spot rubber finished unchanged on Wednesday. According to observers the trading activities were extremely low and the market remained neutral amidst scattered transactions. There were no fresh factors to trigger a positive trend in the commodity but it managed to sustain at the prevailing levels in the absence of quantity sellers either from dealers or growers.
Sheet rubber closed steady at Rs. 172.00 a kg according to traders. The grade slipped to Rs. 171.50 (172.00) a kg both at Kottayam and Kochi as quoted by the Rubber Board.
In futures, the November series improved to Rs. 171.80 (171.10), December to Rs.173.15 (172.45), January to Rs.175.70 (175.01) and February to Rs. 178.39 (177.35) per kg while the March and April series remained inactive on National Multi Commodity Exchange (NMCE).
RSS 3 (spot) slipped to Rs.161.00 (161.22) a kg at Bangkok. The November futures increased to ¥ 233.5 (Rs.160.53) from ¥ 231.8 during the day session and then to ¥ 236.4 (Rs.162.53) per kg in the night session on Tokyo Commodity Exchange.
Spot rates were (Rs/kg): RSS-4: 172 (172); RSS-5: 168 (168); ungraded: 163 (163); ISNR 20: 159 (159) and latex 60 per cent: 108 (108).
Source: Business Line