Physical rubber prices continued to regain strength on Wednesday. The market improved mainly since most growers and dealers were waiting for the prices to recover up to their expectations though there was no visible improvement in the demand for the raw material. Major counters ended in green amidst scattered transactions while the overall volumes were not very impressive.
Sheet rubber improved to Rs. 147.00 from Rs. 146.50 and Rs. 146.00 per kg respectively according to traders and the Rubber Board. The grade closed firm at Rs. 144.00 (143.00) per kg as quoted by the dealers.
The February futures inched up to Rs. 148.00 (147.92), March to Rs. 151.00 (150.92), April to Rs. 155.65 (155.19), May to Rs. 158.49 (157.59) and June to Rs. 158.62 (158.51) per kg on National Multi Commodity Exchange (NMCE).
RSS 3 (spot) firmed up to Rs. 133.83 (131.91) per kg at Bangkok. The February futures slipped to ¥ 221.0 (Rs. 133.99) from ¥ 222.0 per kg during the day session but then recovered marginally to ¥ 221.2 (Rs.134.14) per kg in the night session on Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM).
The spot rubber rates per kg were:
RSS-4: 147.00 (146.50)
RSS-5: 145.00 (144.50)
Ungraded: 143.00 (142.00)
ISNR 20: 144.00 (143.00)
Latex 60%: 118.50 (118.50)
The Hindu