Spot rubber continued to remain unchanged on Friday. “There were no quantity buyers or sellers in the local trading houses and we expect a visible change in the market only after only after the current financial year,” traders said. Sheet rubber finished flat at ₹149 a kg, traders said. The grade closed steady at ₹148.50 and ₹145.50 respectively, as reported by the Rubber Board and dealers. April futures improved to ₹148.25 (₹146.38) May to ₹152.15 (₹150.15), June to ₹154.51 (₹152.70) and July to ₹156.20 (₹153.33) on the National Multi Commodity Exchange.
RSS 3 (spot) slid to ₹139.41 (₹140.29) at Bangkok. April futures closed at ¥247 (₹144.34) on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange.
Spot rubber rates (₹/kg) were: RSS-4: 149 (149); RSS-5: 145 (145); Ungraded: 141 (141); ISNR 20: 142 (142) and Latex 60%: 111 (111).