Spot rubber made all-round gains as supply concerns continued to keep buyers visibly active in major grades but they maintained an extremely low profile. RSS 4 closed unchanged at ₹114 a kg, according to traders.
The grade was quoted steady at ₹113.50 and ₹110.50 respectively, according to the Rubber Board and the dealers. October futures slid to ₹115 (₹115.14) November to ₹114.24 (₹114.91), December to ₹114.64 (₹114.89) on the National Multi Commodity Exchange. RSS 3 (spot) weakened to ₹87.25 (₹87.60) at Bangkok.
October futures closed at ¥159.1 (₹86.35) on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange. Spot rubber rates (₹/kg): RSS-4: 114 (114); RSS-5: 111.50 (111); Ungraded: 104.50 (104); ISNR 20: 101 (100.50) and Latex (60% drc): 85.50 (84).