Spot rubber lost marginally on Thursday. RSS 4 slid to ₹140 (140.50) a kg according to traders and the Rubber Board. The grade dropped to Rs. ₹137 (137.50) as reported by the dealers.
May futures concluded at. ₹138.65 (138.72), June at ₹143.60 (143.80), July at . ₹145 (145.15) and August at ₹144.89 (144.04) on the National Multi Commodity Exchange. RSS 3 (spot) weakened to ₹143.98 (144.84) at Bangkok.
May futures moved down to ₹149.80 (151)on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange. Spot rubber rates (₹/kg) were: RSS-4: 140 (140.50); RSS-5: 137 (137); Ungraded: 125.50 (125.50); ISNR 20: 123 (123) and Latex (60% drc): 95 (95).