Domestic rubber prices finished weak on Thursday. In spot, the market opened steady, but lost strength later on buyer resistance .
Sheet rubber slipped to Rs 157 (157.50) a kg at Kottayam and Kochi, according to traders and the Rubber Board.
In futures, the February series closed at Rs 157.16 (157.73), March at Rs 159.37 (159.94), April at Rs 162.40 (162.82), May at Rs 166.40 (166) and June at Rs 167.01 (169.59) a kg for RSS 4 on the National Multi Commodity Exchange.
RSS 3 (spot) declined to Rs 176.37 (178.52) a kg at Bangkok. The February futures dropped to ¥309.5 (Rs 175.51) from ¥311 during the day session, but then bounced back to ¥312.5 (Rs 177.21) in the night session on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange.
Spot rates were (Rs/kg): RSS-4: 157 (157.50); RSS-5: 152.50 (152.50); ungraded: 147.50 (148); ISNR 20: 153 (153) and latex 60 per cent: 102 (103.50).
Source: Business Line